Four down, I can smell that final secret souvenir!
Today, I knocked out the “Puzzler” souvenir. It was a tough find, taking close to an hour from start to penning my name down on that log sheet. Here’s another confession: I hate puzzle caches. Just give me some coords and clues and I will gladly hike several miles and find a cache, but this ambiguity of puzzles and mysteries can be frustrating.
But not to be dissuaded, I searched out a ? cache and headed off to the GZ. Here is my found it log for GC2QCPR Tranquility: Torah, Torah, Torah:
Found it
Whew, found it!
I have done other library caches before, but with the hint and my geosenses I knew this one was going to be a little different.
I easily found the library! Then I wandered in to start my search. Bummer of a day to attempt this cache; it was over 90 degrees outside and the a/c was broken inside![]()
Being a frequent visitor of this place, I quickly found what I thought was the GZ and started my subtle searching. No container. Hmmm… I headed to the other side of the library looking for my plan 2 location. I looked around GZ #2 and still no luck.
After 20 minutes, I broke down I asked the assistant branch manager (who happens to be a friend) for some REF help and he pointed me over the branch librarian… who immediately started asking me about the Torah. Fortunately, I have some knowledge of it and she confirmed my REF idea was close (she was aware of the cache) and a quick return to the GZ proved successful and I found the cache. I penned my name down and returned the container to its hiding spot.
So to wrap it all up, I ended up with a tour of the library, a smiley and an appointment to return the to library to teach a class on geocaching that one of the librarians had been wanting to put on! I’d say that was a good caching adventure.
SPOILER ALERT: Cache container and location revealed!